SkyCity Realty

SkyCity Realty is a global real estate property portal that is a part of the SkyCity family.

The Goals of SkyCity Realty


Users and businesses should feel confident in their internet real estate platform.  No duplicate entries, no data scraping, and no hidden fees.


Available to users and businesses – conduct your sale/rent/lease on your terms.  No more allegiances to big real estate corporations to get your listings posted.

How are we going to help you achieve the Freedom Goal?  By keeping true to the 5 tenets of being an internet real estate property portal.

The 5 Tenets of SkyCity Realty


The site is built specifically for browsers and configured to a variety of devices.  No need to download any app from any store.


Properly locate and pin the property you are listing.  Anywhere in the world.


Users and businesses can subscribe to SkyCity and activate SkyCity Realty for free.  Only pay for what you publish.


We believe in “what you see is what you get.”  Our system is free to use and explore.  Only pay when you are ready to pay.


Every listing is created by a real person.  There is no data scraping or bots utilized by Sky Networks.