User Accounts

The basic membership/subscription is free.  There are 3 tiers of memberships, each one adding a level of verification.

Each verification level tells other users and businesses that the person behind the account is a real person.

There are 3 tiers of user accounts:

  • Logged
  • Validated
  • Verified

Regardless of membership tier, all users have access to the same applications.

Any restrictions will be set by users and businesses: a business only wants to be rated by users that have validated or verified accounts.

A users’s account cannot be removed.  It can face restrictions to certain apps in SkyCity.  Any restrictions can be appealed through the SkyCity judicial process. A defendant, and/or their representative, has the ability bring their case to the Adjudicator.

The Path to Verification

Logged Account

  • Free Subscription
  • Can access the SkyCity Market
  • Become an employee of a Registered or Certified business
  • Create a Listed Business
  • Ads on Dashboard

Users and businesses should maintain a level of suspicion with requests, posts and messages.

Validated Account

  • Monthly Subcription
  • Can access the SkyCity Market
  • Become an employee of a Registered or Certified business
  • Create a Listed Business
  • No Ads
  • Set privacy settings to Invisible

Verified Account

  • Verified Monthly Subscription
  • Can access the SkyCity Market
  • Become an employee of a Registered or Certified business
  • Create a Listed Business
  • No Ads
  • Set privacy settings to Invisible
  • Discount to certain apps and subscriptions

Verified accounts have been personally authenticated by Sky Networks or an authorized representative.